
Smart Metering Technology and Technology Verification Importance

All around the world, power distribution programs are changing. The bigger integration of renewable energy, the development of rooftop solar  energy and the demand for electric vehicles charging have all led to greater transformation and unpredictability in the network power demand curve. Because of this, management is now the greatest worry and challenge for utility companies.
In addition, while participation increasing, meeting the expectations of users/consumers and other stakeholders is becoming the other major challenge. In this ever-changing situation, public utility goals are also changing. In order to solve these problems, worries and expectations, utility companies are choosing smart grid technology, and smart metering is one of its important components.
Smart metering technology is one of the most ideal technologies for utility companies. Most of which will be used for large-scale implementation. It should be noted that smart metering is a method, not a solution; and it is also an integrated system product, not an independent one. The key issue is how to ensure that the selected “Smart Metering Integrated System Tool” is effective, correct, and has the capabilities required to enable the utility companies to achieve its expected goals. Before large-scale installations, the only way is the “verification” process.
The smart metering system is completely different from an independent static electricity meter. As an integrated system, the verification of the smart metering system is not just a separate test of the electric meter, but much more than that. The verification contain a large scale of the measuing and analysis process.
we can conclude from the past experience that it is not enough to verify the product alone, and tests that go far beyond applicable standards or specifications are required.
The meters and other components of the smart metering system may encounter situations not covered by the standard. Although compliance with the standard can ensure that the product works normally under the specified conditions requirement, the product should be inspected under the conditions that may be encountered on site. Verification engineers must imagine extreme scenarios based on field experience and plan the verification process accordingly.
The limits for failure or failure of the instrument/system shall be determined. This will help to understand the limitations of the system and compare different product offers. Performance levels, such as signal response time, can vary with the target. Verification should be carried out with the objective in mind.
Utility companies attach great importance to their metering systems. This aspect should be considered when planning verification. The error in the bill may become the headline of the newspaper the next day.
Verification is one of the most critical aspects to ensure the success of smart metering projects. It should cover all aspects of the system. Any failure or bad behavior in the integrated system, or any lack of functionality, may be too expensive to be corrected when discovered in the future.
For taking full advantages of smart metering systems, smart applications are needed to perform various functions. So, verifying smart applications is equally important.
Validation of smart metering systems is a specialized task and should be carried out before large-scale installations like a small pilot project. The utility company should have a dedicated team that is well-trained and should allocate the required resources.
For the verification of communication networks, HES, computer systems, data storage, and MDMS, the services of on-site experts/suppliers can be used. However, the utility should directly participate in the verification of smart meters and smart applications.

Post time: Oct-08-2021